Monday, September 10, 2007


This website is dedicated to the idea of sharing reactions to the novel ECHO POOL. I am, as all artists I would suppose, always happy to hear how I did. Don't be afraid to say, "No Sim, that's not it at all," or "Is that me? Or is that so and so?" Because I will react to all of your comments. I'm happy that the book is selling, but I'm much happier when people have reactions to the book.
Could you relate? Were you in the novel?
How was my writing? Who do you think some of the characters might have been?


Bangkok Book House has released ECHO POOL with the goal of offering something different to its readers. Most of what they publish is Bar Girl stories, detective stories, or language books. Echo Pool is written with a literary style and avoids the easy thrills of Bangkok night life focusing instead on a big more meaningful issues: such as love, loss, family, escape, and change.

It is my goal that readers will relate to this piece and find it something that will make them FEEL the kind of LOVE that I felt during my life. It's not only about relationships, but more importantly about the love of a father for his son.