Michelle Harris/now Hansen and her husband. I'd really like to share her letter to me about Echo Pool, mostly because she is struggling, and most proudly I might add, with her husband's cancer. Echo Pool was fueled by loss, my loss of my father, but I believe Michelle has taken on her husband's illness with the kind of strength and tenacity that true love deserves.Dear Jonathon,
Hello there. I hope this email finds you doing well. Things are okay here, I have just been thinking that I never got back to you after I ordered your books! Life gets in the way! Your book has been traveling with me many places; The Sea of Cortez, Vegas, Nebraska, a week long trip on the Western slope and through hours of sitting beside Dan at Chemo. I have read it numerous times, always getting stuck right around the time that you go to the massage parlor place. :) Call me a prude! hahaI have enjoyed it immensely, and when we are going somewhere that reading is appropriate, Dan says, " Where's the book?" This is a wonderful memory, that I will not soon forget.A lot has happened since we last spoke, I'll just list it all in order of events, as to not go off on tangents. I hope that you had a Merry Christmas, and are looking forward to the New Year and all the beauty that it has to offer.
*Engaged in Mexico Nov. 2, 2007 Dan and I at sunset on a deserted island.(I did the ugly cry)*We became GodParents(remember my little cousin Katie? Yup)
*Married in Denver Dec. 3, 2007 We avoided all chaos and snuck off to the court house.
* Another chemo failed Dan, and his cancer moved throughout his vital organs
* Four days ago he had a stroke
* Bailed him out of the hospital yesterday, he said, "we barely got out of there alive!" Gotta love the humor
*Spent Christmas wrapped up with our pups at home...never again we said, would we spend Christmas in the hospital...so we said that we were leaving with or without their consent.
Here are the things that we are looking forward to:
*Radiation that HAS to work to maintain some timeline beyond two weeks
*Our Wedding Reception January 19th, 2008 to be the event of the year, with black and white attire That is all we have so far, we are at that point that everyday is what we are living, it is amazing to live in the moment...for today. There it all is my friend...heavy I know, but hey the good out weighs the bad by a long shot! So, when I haven't been up for four days, I would love to tell you my favorite parts of your work, if you don't mind. :)
Don't be a Stranger!Warm Regards,Michelle Hansen (Better than Harris....has a nice ring to it!)