Jon, Hey I finally remembered to fire off a note to you... as I sit here subbing for Jr. High Math I thought of you and your novel that I had the pleasure of finishing a few weeks ago. First of all thanks for taking me there and doing such a wonderful job with the journey. You do an amazing job in portraying your father... just as I remember him I might add. Your mom too. I must admit when it comes to connecting the reader with your thoughts, I am bias in that it is simply a day dream away for us that fortunately (or unfortunately) shared the experience. How have the responses been from those that haven't? Regardless, I can only speak for myself and really enjoyed your honesty, writing style and wisdom concerning life's challenges. Question though... who is Robert? Is it Stephen. I understand if that is confidential but thought I would ask.As far as the spiritual dichotomy between your parent's beliefs and your own... I pose this question... How is that working for you? If you haven't reached the end of that journey yet... I can send you a great book by an amazing author you might be interested in... he is an intellectual like yourself. Let me know or drop me your address. Or surely you haven't fell into the same rigid approach to the subject as you profess Christians have? I understand you have a genuine love for others so in no way am I trying to be condescending. Just conversing. It is surprising how similar our lifestyles were for so very long... difference being I went the family way at a certain point. Not that it is better or worse. But your self-reflection on relationships opened up a lot of old sores that I still bear the scars for today. It made the first years of marriage difficult and at time impossible. Guess maybe the fear of being alone was stronger than my search for someone or something better. I must admit that it is only through my belief system that I am able to remedy and heal. Hope I don't come across as judgmental... I am really just reflecting on your book and the thoughts it has stirred. Not to mention my own fears of my father's (simply because of age) impending death and the lessons I am only now realizing he either consciously or inadvertently conveyed. The ending touched me deeply. I pray this reaches you healthy and happy. Take care my friend. Rodney Brown
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